Advanced Baazi Converter. User Manual.
Holdem Manager 2/3
PokerTracker 4
Please set English language in poker client!
Converter Settings
Folder for converted hands is the most important parameter for correct work of HUDs. This folder must be added to tracker's list of auto import. All converted hands will be saved here, and tracker will import them automatically.
Format of the converted hands. PokerStars format is chosen by default, but you can also choose any other format, which is supported by tracker, and, possibly, it will allow to use additional functions, like NoteCaddy etc. For example, WPN (Winning Poker Network) format does not have any restrictions on NoteCaddy stats.
It is parameter, which allows you to avoid the intersection of nicknames in the tracker database. If OUTPUT FORMAT is set to PokerStars, tracker reasonably believes that files in OUTPUT DIRECTORY are hands from PokerStars and it mixes statistics with real PokerStars players if their nicknames are the same. Please add the nicknames suffix to avoid intersection.
Stacks and bets will be multiplied on this coefficient during the conversion. Poker sites can use currency which will be different than currency which is supported by OUTPUT FORMAT (for example Chinese Yuan, Russian Rubles, Swedish Crowns etc). For adducting poker site’s native currency to USD, please use currency coefficient.
Some rounding errors are possible when coefficient <1, but Advanced Baazi Converter will ensure that poker hand remains correct from poker rules point of view.
Displacement of the session time relative to the local time. If session time is displayed in the tracker wrong, please tune this parameter.
HUDs Emulator
Adds HUDs support to poker tables. If this parameter is switched off, converter works as data miner, just saving converted hands to OUTPUT DIRECTORY.
Trackers Settings
- In the main window of HM2 please choose "Site Setup"
- In the next window "Site Settings" please choose poker site which matches OUTPUT FORMAT from the list of poker sites (by default it is PokerStars).
- Please press + under "Auto Import Folders" list.
- In the next window please press ... and choose the folder which matches OUTPUT DIRECTORY.
PokerTracker 4
- In the main window, under the list "Poker Sites & Networks" please press "Configue". You can skip any pop-up dialogs.
- In the window "Import Configuration", in the list of poker sites, please choose poker site which matches OUTPUT FORMAT from poker sites list (by default it is PokerStars).
- Press Add under "Directories Configuration".
- Please choose folder which matches OUTPUT DIRECTORY, be sure that it shows up in the list then press "OK" in "Import Configuration" window.
- In the left-up corner of Hand2Note window please press menu and choose "Configuration" F12.
- In the left list please choose "Autoimport".
- Press + ADD FOLDER.
- Choose folder which matches OUTPUT DIRECTORY, be sure that it shows up in the list.